ProvSec 2017
The 11th International Conference on Provable Security

October 23 - 25,2017,Xi'an,China

The Eleventh International Conference on Provable Security (ProvSec 2017) will be held on October 23 - 25 2017 in Xi'an, China. It will be organized by Shaanxi Normal University, Xidian University and Xi'an University of Posts & Telecommunications.

Provable security is an important research area in modern cryptography. Cryptographic primitives or protocols without a rigorous proof cannot be regarded as secure in practice. In fact, there are many schemes that were originally thought as secure but eventually broken, which clearly indicates the need of formal security assurance. With provable security, we are confident in using cryptographic schemes and protocols in various real-world applications. Meanwhile, schemes with provable security sometimes give only theoretical feasibility rather than a practical construction, and correctness of the proofs may be difficult to verify. ProvSec conference thus provides a platform for researchers, scholars and practitioners to exchange new ideas for solving these problems in the provable security area.

The previous ProvSec conference series were successfully held in Wollongong, Australia (2007), Shanghai, China (2008), Guangzhou, China (2009), Malacca, Malaysia (2010), Xi'an, China (2011), Chengdu, China (2012) and Melaka, Malaysia (2013), Hong Kong, China (2014), Kanazawa, Japan (2015), Nanjing,China (2016). The conference proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

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